Proverbs 5:1My son, be attentive to my Wisdom [godly Wisdom learned by actual and costly experience], and incline your ear to my understanding [of what is becoming and prudent for you],
God is talking to us now more than ever before and the question is as our text says, are you paying attention and listening to what is being said? We not only hear through our ears but when God speaks to us it’s Sprit to spirit. His bearing witness with ours is how a sermon can be preached and every one who hears it receives something different, because He meets us at the point of our need with His Word. Come a little closer so you can hear Him, and by that I mean spending quality time, not hurried, with Him. Get to know His voice as He gently whispers to you (1Kings 19:12 AMPC) guiding you like Jesus said He would (John 16:13 AMPC). Pay attention!